
Rating Options

Name Description Mandatory Default
backgroundColor Displayed background color when the ratings are not hovered/active/selected false #e5e500
hoverColor Displayed background color when the ratings are hovered/active/selected false #ffff66
fontClass This is the font class that you want to use with the current rating
For example : "fa fa-star"
false fa fa-star
minRating This is the minimum value that the user can select
If the value is one, the user cannot set the rating to 0
false 1
maxRating This is the wanted number of rating. Currently this is unlimited false 5
readonly Disable all the events. The value can be set manually false false
step Step when you hover the rating.

Askmethat.AskmethatRatingSteps["DecimalStep"] is 0.1 per 0.1
Askmethat.AskmethatRatingSteps["HalfStep"] is 0.5 per 0.5
Askmethat.AskmethatRatingSteps["OnePerOneStep"] is 1 per 1
false Askmethat.AskmethatRatingSteps["DecimalStep"]
inputName Allow to customize the hidden input name in the rating div (Set rating to readonly if input is set to disabled) false Askmethat.AskmethatRating
popover Popover options. If options are defined, the rating will display a popover and set rating to readonly false ( see below )

Popover Options

Name Description Mandatory Default
color Set color for the progress bar and the rating elements true N/A
fontClass This is the font class that you want to use with the current rating For example : "fa fa-star" true N/A
direction Set direction of popover display
0 : Top 1 : bottom
false 1 : bottom
values Array of int that equals to stats array for each rating elements
Array items count should be equals to Rating Options maxRating
Examples : [20,20,20,20,20]
false 1 : bottom


Name Description Parameters Usage
render This function render a new set of rating into the parent element.
  • default value, if is 2 the plugin will active the two first rating elements
value Return the value for a specific rating element
  • The rating element identifier


Name Description Usage
amt-change This function bind an event that is triggered when the user select a specific value changeDiv.addEventListener("amt-change", function(e){ alert(e.detail); });